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====== Title of the tool ====== ===== Description ===== //It answers the questions: What is this tool? What is it good for? What will I get out of it?// ===== When is it useful? ===== //It indicates the business development phase(s) for which the tool is particularly useful// ===== Participants ===== //It answers the question: who could or should participate in the process? How many participants?// ===== Time & Materials ===== Preparation time : Development time : Materials needed : ===== Step by Step ===== //It outlines the sequence of events that should take place for the tool to be successfully implemented. We suggest the outline to be made in the form of steps.// STEP 01: STEP 02: STEP 03: STEP 04: ===== Tips ===== //Important things to keep in mind when using the tool// ===== Video tutorial ===== ===== Examples of outcomes ===== //It shows different forms of outcomes for the tool.// ===== Related tools ===== //It provides the link to other related tools in the ToolBox// ===== References ===== //It lists the different text, video, audio, visual academic and non academic sources for this particular description// //Example : Lallemand, C. & Gronier, G. (2016). Méthodes de design UX. Eyrolles//

en/protostoryboard.txt · Dernière modification: 2019/06/04 12:13 par user