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[[start|Home]] ==== APPROACH ==== * [[en:Abouttool|Design thinking]] * [[en:speculativedesign|Speculative Design]] * [[en:previousinitiatives|Why a (other) toolkit ?]] * [[en:journeymap|AYCH journey(s)]] * [[en:HQVS MATRIX|AYCH sustainability stakes]] ==== TOOLS ==== * [[en:understanding|Understanding]] * [[en:creation|Creation & Ideation]] * [[en:prototyping|Prototyping]] * [[en:imaginingalternativefutures|Imagining Alternative Futures]] * [[en:business|Business Dev]] * [[en:KET|Key technologies]] ==== AYCH CASE STUDIES ==== * [[en:Creative jams|Hubs Creative Jams]] * [[en:Creative jams intl|Trasnational Creative Jams]] * [[en:Residencies|Residencies]] * [[en:Internship|Internship]] * [[en:projects|Projects]] ==== DISSEMINATION ==== * [[en:disseminationworkshops|Workshops]] * [[en:expertaychtalks|Conferences]] * [[en:research|Research articles]] * [[en:talksfromyoung|Participant's experiences]] * [[en:contributors|Advisors]] ==== CONTRIBUTORS ==== * [[en:contributorsguidelins | Where to place and find content ?]] * [[en:contributortool | How to describe a tool ?]] * [[en:contributorcasestudy | How to write a case study ?]] ==== WIKIWORK ==== * [[sidebar|SideBar]] * [[wikitips|WikiTips]]


Some workshop have been done in AYCH project : helpful to understand how to use tools, context and sometimes innovations. AYCH project implies a lot of workshops. There are both a way to teach and disseminate methods and tools coming from the design area and also a way to test innovations produced inside the AYCH network: ===== International creative jams ===== // A good way to share tools among partners, see here for an article // : http://colossus.lecolededesign.com/forsoni/aych/doku.php?id=en:expertaychtalks See there for a video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq5RDtWwEts * Creative jam, Lugo (April 2018) - [[en:lugoapril2018 | english]] / [[fr:lugoapril2018 | french]] - tools, methodology in transcultural field. * Creative Jam, Gijon (April 2019) - [[en:gijonapril2019 | english]] / [[fr:Gijonapril2019 | french]] ===== Designing AYCH tools : EDNA'S & partners CREATIVE JAMS ===== * Innovation Challenge @ L'Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique (April 2018) - [[en:innochallege_april2018 | english]] / [[innochallege_april2018 | french]] - tools & project for & by designers * Brest, Three hours for tools & methodology dissemination (May 2018) - [[BrestMay2018 | french]] / [[en:englBrestMay2018 | english]] * Angoulême : Playing with utopia [[en:ANG12018_2engl | english]] / [[en:ANG12018_2 | french]] * Space* & Ville Durable: when youth from Plymouth meet designers from Nantes, developing ideas (October 2018) - [[en:space-vd_en|english]] / [[fr:space-vd_fr|french]] * Space* & Ville Durable (2): creative jam with students (February 2019) - [[en:space-vd_en2|english]] / [[fr:space-vd_fr2|french]] * Tate Exchange, introduction to "design spéculatif", London (March 2019) - [[en:tatemarch2019 | english]] / [[fr:tateMarch2019 | french]] * L'Ecole de design / Centre Michel Serres / Chaire Entreprises, territoires et innovations : from creativity to sustainability (April 2019) - [[en:EDNAAPRIL2019 | english]] / [[fr:EDNAAPRIL2019 | french]] ===== HUBS creative jams ===== * Plymouth, 3 days workshop (July 2018) - [[en:Plymouth2018 | english]] / [[en:englplymouthjuly2018 | french]] * Innovative spaces & graphic facilitation @Angouleme - [[en:ANG12018engl | english]] / [[en:ANG12018 | french]] * AYCH OCEAN, [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDUToXKdi0s|video]], redefining prototype & residencies, presentation also done in Vigo {{ :en:aych_ocean_nantes_presentation.pptx |download here}}.Here short outputs about design [[en:AYCHOCEAN2018 | French]] * BREST : how to have a team of mentors : see there the {{ :en:cahier_du_mentor.pdf |mentors guide}}, and an english version done with Plymouth for the international creative jam in Gijon {{ :en:aych_mentor_kit_gijon_-_eng.pdf |here}}

en/aychcases.txt · Dernière modification: 2019/05/05 09:27 par forsoni