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[[start|Home]] ==== APPROACH ==== * [[en:Abouttool|Design thinking]] * [[en:speculativedesign|Speculative Design]] * [[en:previousinitiatives|Why a (other) toolkit ?]] * [[en:journeymap|AYCH journey(s)]] * [[en:HQVS MATRIX|AYCH sustainability stakes]] ==== TOOLS ==== * [[en:understanding|Understanding]] * [[en:creation|Creation & Ideation]] * [[en:prototyping|Prototyping]] * [[en:imaginingalternativefutures|Imagining Alternative Futures]] * [[en:business|Business Dev]] * [[en:KET|Key technologies]] ==== AYCH CASE STUDIES ==== * [[en:Creative jams|Hubs Creative Jams]] * [[en:Creative jams intl|Trasnational Creative Jams]] * [[en:Residencies|Residencies]] * [[en:Internship|Internship]] * [[en:projects|Projects]] ==== DISSEMINATION ==== * [[en:disseminationworkshops|Workshops]] * [[en:expertaychtalks|Conferences]] * [[en:research|Research articles]] * [[en:talksfromyoung|Participant's experiences]] * [[en:contributors|Advisors]] ==== CONTRIBUTORS ==== * [[en:contributorsguidelins | Where to place and find content ?]] * [[en:contributortool | How to describe a tool ?]] * [[en:contributorcasestudy | How to write a case study ?]] ==== WIKIWORK ==== * [[sidebar|SideBar]] * [[wikitips|WikiTips]]


In this section you will find information on where to place and find the contents on the Toolbox: ==== TOOLS ==== It gathers a simple and clear description of the different tools used during different stages of the creative process. You will be able to find and place a [[en:contributortool | description of the tool]] and or a link to the .pdf version of the tool ready to be printed. * [[en:understanding|Understanding]] * [[en:creation|Creation & Ideation]] * [[en:prototyping|Prototyping]] * [[en:imaginingalternativefutures|Imagining Alternative Futures]] * [[en:business|Business Dev]] * [[en:ket|Key technologies]] ==== AYCH CASE STUDIES ==== It gathers critical analysis of the different AYCH activities, events or projects. What makes this section particular is the up-close, in-depth, detailed and critical examination of the experiences that lead to an identification of actions for improvement. You can have the guidelines on [[en:contributorcasestudy|how to write a study case]]. You will be able to find and place the different tools used at each activity: * [[en:creative_jams|Hubs Creative Jams]] * [[en:creative_jams_intl|International Creative Jams]] * [[en:residencies|Residencies]] * [[en:internship|Internships]] * [[en:projects|Projects]] ==== DISSEMINATION ==== This section gathers all the activities that aim at communicating and disseminating the AYCH activities, its results as well as the participants' and contributors' experiences of the programme. You will be able to find and place an explanation of the activity, the communication tools put in place (slideshow, video, talk, design tools) and useful external links. * Workshops * Conferences * [[en:research|Research articles]] * [[en:talksfromyoung|Participant's experiences]] * [[en:contributors|Advisors]]

en/contributorsguidelins.txt · Dernière modification: 2019/07/05 14:05 par hilda