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[[start|Home]] ==== APPROACH ==== * [[en:Abouttool|Design thinking]] * [[en:speculativedesign|Speculative Design]] * [[en:previousinitiatives|Why a (other) toolkit ?]] * [[en:journeymap|AYCH journey(s)]] * [[en:HQVS MATRIX|AYCH sustainability stakes]] ==== TOOLS ==== * [[en:understanding|Understanding]] * [[en:creation|Creation & Ideation]] * [[en:prototyping|Prototyping]] * [[en:imaginingalternativefutures|Imagining Alternative Futures]] * [[en:business|Business Dev]] * [[en:KET|Key technologies]] ==== AYCH CASE STUDIES ==== * [[en:Creative jams|Hubs Creative Jams]] * [[en:Creative jams intl|Trasnational Creative Jams]] * [[en:Residencies|Residencies]] * [[en:Internship|Internship]] * [[en:projects|Projects]] ==== DISSEMINATION ==== * [[en:disseminationworkshops|Workshops]] * [[en:expertaychtalks|Conferences]] * [[en:research|Research articles]] * [[en:talksfromyoung|Participant's experiences]] * [[en:contributors|Advisors]] ==== CONTRIBUTORS ==== * [[en:contributorsguidelins | Where to place and find content ?]] * [[en:contributortool | How to describe a tool ?]] * [[en:contributorcasestudy | How to write a case study ?]] ==== WIKIWORK ==== * [[sidebar|SideBar]] * [[wikitips|WikiTips]]


===== Workshops ===== Workshops in the field of AYCH that have allowed us to conceive, develop, test and improve tools. These workshops are critical for developing a stand on the main AYCH transversal themes: creativity, learning and innovation. * Discovery of PEPITE, a French network based on entrepreneurship, during a workshop PEPITE 2030 (June 2018) [[* Atelier PEPITE 2030, - version fr]] / [[* PEPITE 2030_English version]] * Challenge Innovation, Toolkit, Corsica (March 2018) / {{ :en:guide_outils.pdf |French version only}} * La pépinière, graphic facilitation, Angouleme (Sept 2018) [[en:ANG12018engl | english]] / [[en:ANG12018 | french]] * Echo fablab, PING, Nantes (September 2018) [[fr:echofablab|Echofablab]] * The future of learning spaces with AIA, Nantes (Juin 2019) - [[en:AIAjune2019 | english]]

en/disseminationworkshops.txt · Dernière modification: 2019/07/08 15:40 par hilda