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====== Brest - 3 hours for methodology & tools dissemination ====== ====== Context ====== As part of the launch of the project in Brest (May 2018), L’Ecole de design Nantes Atlantique in partnership with Brest Métropole organized an introductory workshop on design thinking. We presented the approach ([[en:englbresttalk2018|see here the abstract on the morning conference]]) and put it into practice (the afternoon). ====== Description ====== The specificity of this project was twofold: to introduce young people from local missions to the process, but also to work in animation with the youth team that came to Lugo as part of the Creative Jam. The idea is to make these young people users of the method and ambassadors of the project on the territory. ====== Steps ====== The initial planning has been changed. * Icebreaking (20 minutes): which city would you be, which city would you not be? * Definition of the subject and brainstorming (2 groups were formed on the biodiversity in the city and the diffusion of digital). * Heuristic map and definition of themes * Field survey and user interviews * Quick solution * Development of the idea * Poster (25 minutes) * pitch {{:en:img_2666.jpg?400|work in progress...}} The development stages of the idea and poster were then shortened in favor of a "theatrical" presentation (prototype of a usage scenario). ====== Tools ====== * {{ :en:3_fiche_verbatim.pdf |verbatim}} : collect field surveys * {{ :en:5_fiche_etape.pdf |step}} : user journey map * {{ :en:4_persona.pdf | persona}} : definition of a user * Problems resolution / brainstorm * Theater {{:en:img_2667.jpg?200|identifying pain points}} {{:en:img_2760.jpg?200|journey map...}} {{:en:img_2761.jpg?200|quick solution / brainstorm}} //From the user journey to the first stages of solution, until the construction of an axis..// The elements given for theatricalization were as follows: present the scenario of your project in 3 minutes as a skit. We could not address the business model issues. ====== What we learned ====== The audience thus defined was particularly receptive to the theatricalization and the method until the brainstorming on solutions. On the other hand, it was more difficult to work on concept and post in the given time. The choice to combine unstructured written support (see below) and theatre (3 minutes for playing the scenario) were appreciated. {{:en:img_2669.jpg?400|Support de présentation}} //Simplified presentation support: idea expression and overall scheme// 3 of the 4 young people present in Lugo (April 2018) were also able to play the role of facilitators during the workshop. Thus, the workshop consolidated their understanding of the tools for use in future projects. It is particularly important to work with young people in the incubation program as relays for tools awareness (Feedbacks in progress) ====== Projects ====== The young people mobilized have developed a shared garden project on the Capucins site and an intergenerational awareness-raising course on digital issues. These projects were pretexts for discovering the method and tools, but it also help to raise awareness on subjects like digital or citizen. Although the projects did not start with an entrepreneurial approach, some participants also wanted to integrate this approach into their entrepreneurial development projects.

en/englbrestmay2018.txt · Dernière modification: 2018/06/15 13:11 par user