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[[start|Home]] ==== APPROACH ==== * [[en:Abouttool|Design thinking]] * [[en:speculativedesign|Speculative Design]] * [[en:previousinitiatives|Why a (other) toolkit ?]] * [[en:journeymap|AYCH journey(s)]] * [[en:HQVS MATRIX|AYCH sustainability stakes]] ==== TOOLS ==== * [[en:understanding|Understanding]] * [[en:creation|Creation & Ideation]] * [[en:prototyping|Prototyping]] * [[en:imaginingalternativefutures|Imagining Alternative Futures]] * [[en:business|Business Dev]] * [[en:KET|Key technologies]] ==== AYCH CASE STUDIES ==== * [[en:Creative jams|Hubs Creative Jams]] * [[en:Creative jams intl|Trasnational Creative Jams]] * [[en:Residencies|Residencies]] * [[en:Internship|Internship]] * [[en:projects|Projects]] ==== DISSEMINATION ==== * [[en:disseminationworkshops|Workshops]] * [[en:expertaychtalks|Conferences]] * [[en:research|Research articles]] * [[en:talksfromyoung|Participant's experiences]] * [[en:contributors|Advisors]] ==== CONTRIBUTORS ==== * [[en:contributorsguidelins | Where to place and find content ?]] * [[en:contributortool | How to describe a tool ?]] * [[en:contributorcasestudy | How to write a case study ?]] ==== WIKIWORK ==== * [[sidebar|SideBar]] * [[wikitips|WikiTips]]


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====== International Creative jams ====== ===== Overview : a event to build a common culture among partners ===== The INTERREG Atlantic Youth Creative Hub transnational project involves 17 partners from 4 nationalities and targets audiences of all levels of study from 16 to 30 years old. The knowledge levels of the various partners of several sectors of activity and the young people are particularly heterogeneous. Thanks to interdisciplinary workspaces (hubs), the project promotes the acquisition of skills linked to creativity and entrepreneurships. the meeting between the actors and the emergence of innovative projects with regard to the societal challenges of our time. The section presents the Creative jam, whose aim is to help partners to have a common design and project culture. Its vocation is also to sparkle innovative project, facing the societal challenges of our times. Video for an overview of the creative jam : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tq5RDtWwEts ===== Cases Studies ===== * Creative jam, Lugo (April 2018) - [[en:lugoapril2018 | english]] / [[fr:lugoapril2018 | french]] * Creative Jam, Gijon (April 2019) - [[en:gijonapril2019 | english]] / [[fr:Gijonapril2019 | french]] ===== Research articles ===== // See a complete article for a conference in Brest // : http://colossus.lecolededesign.com/forsoni/aych/doku.php?id=en:expertaychtalks

en/creative_jams_intl.1560865523.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2019/06/18 13:45 par hilda